Catherine Wills
Catherine brings over 12 years’ experience in workforce policy and strategy in the public sector.
This includes five years as an equality policy lead for local authorities in Northamptonshire and four years with Health Education England. In her current post, Catherine leads on supporting employers and systems on the inclusive recruitment agenda.
Over the last three years as Assistant Director of Workforce for Northamptonshire STP (ICS), and portfolio lead for Primary Care, Catherine led on an extensive OD programme that oversaw the implementation and successful establishment of Primary Care Networks (PCNs) throughout the county. This included delivering a bespoke leadership programme for clinical directors, coaching and HR interventions to successfully launch new roles such as social prescribing.
Between March - Sept 2020, Catherine led on a COVID workforce cell for the STP in response to workforce issues arising across providers. This involved coordinating programmes of work and activity in response to workforce issues arising as a result of the pandemic. During this time, Catherine was also instrumental in establishing an STP People Board, and co-creating with stakeholders the accompanying STP People Plan and workforce metrics. Catherine has a Level 7 CIPD Diploma in HR Development, a Post Graduate Certificate in Strategic Workforce Planning from the University of West London and in October 2020 achieved the HPMA ‘Rising Star’ award after being nominated by HR Directors within Northamptonshire for her contribution to the workforce agenda within the STP.