
Good rostering guide

Read our good rostering guidance, jointly produced with the British Medical Association, to support employers and doctors.

17 May 2018

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As part of the Acas-facilitated negotiations in 2016, a commitment was made by NHS Employers and the British Medical Association (BMA) to collaboratively develop good rostering guidance to support employers and doctors. 


Please note: This guidance was published in 2018. We are exploring with the BMA the review of the good rostering guidance. Please refer to terms and conditions for the most up-to-date information.

The guide sets out ways in which good rostering practice can be used to develop rotas. It aims to support and create an effective training environment that also meets the needs of the service, while enabling flexibility for doctors and employers, both of whom have a stake in the process.

The guide covers:

  • key principles of good rostering under the junior doctor contract
  • roster design
  • roster management
  • managing leave requests in rotas, rosters and work schedules for doctors in training
  • non-resident on- call rotas
  • good rota design and rostering recommendations for less than full time (LTFT) doctors.


Leave request template