Increases to immigration service charges announced

The Home Office has announced that it intends to increase some of its fees to contribute to funding the migration and borders system, and reduce the cost to the taxpayer.
Of the changes announced in Parliament on Thursday 16 January 2025, the proposed increase in the cost of a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) from £239 to £525 will be the most significant change for trusts. The Home Office has not yet confirmed when these changes will come into effect.
The legislation will be debated in Parliament and is subject to approval. The proposed new fees will be introduced by amending separate legislation, the Immigration and Nationality (Fees) Regulations 2018, as soon as Parliamentary time allows.
NHS Employers understands that employers may have questions about these changes and how they will affect staff, planned recruitment and employment costs. We have worked with the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Home Office on the Q&A below. We will keep employers updated to these changes.
Details of the changes can be found on GOV.UK.