Press release

NHS Employers responds to Nuffield Trust analysis of staff sickness rates

Danny Mortimer responds to the analysis by The Nuffield Trust on staff sickness rates.

29 June 2023

Responding to analysis by The Nuffield Trust on staff sickness rates, Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers, part of The NHS Confederation, said: 

“The figures, while stark, are not a surprise and show what staff have told their employer they are experiencing, as well as what our employers have been actively working to best manage.

“We know that growing the workforce, filling the gaps that exist and planning for meeting the rising demand across healthcare is the most important action the sector can take in making a marked difference to improving wellbeing and the experience staff have at work.

“That’s why we’ve been calling for a funded and long-term workforce plan, and why we are very pleased that this is due for imminent release. While it will not be an immediate silver bullet, it provides a much-needed plan for growth and change, focus, funding – and hope."