
SAS professional development funding calculation update

The SAS development funding for 2023/24 has been included in Integrated Care Board (ICB) allocations. Access our supporting FAQ and guidance.

7 July 2023

This funding is to support the professional development of specialty and specialist (SAS) doctors and the implementation of the 2021 SAS contracts.  

Employers should have discussions with their SAS doctors about how this money should be spent, but and it is important to note that this money is specifically intended to be spent on SAS doctor development and cannot be redirected elsewhere. 

The cost to trusts for providing additional SAS development resources, in line with the SAS contract reform framework agreement, are reflected in NHS funding through the NHS Payment Scheme Cost Uplift Factor (CUF) of the 2023/25 NHS Payment Scheme.

Updates resources

We have added FAQ (7.3) and the SAS professional development funding application guidance in partnership with the British Medical Association (BMA) to reflect this.  

Our FAQ gives an example calculation to use when determining how much is to be allocated to your SAS development fund.  

We are interested to know of how employers have spent development funds and use good examples to share with our audience. If you are interested in doing this, please contact us with more details.