Communicating the benefits of the NHS Pension Scheme

The NHS Pension Scheme is one of the most comprehensive and generous schemes in the UK and forms an important part of the overall reward offer for NHS staff. Talking to staff regularly about the benefits the scheme offers will help employees understand and appreciate the value of the scheme and support employers with recruitment and retention.
Staff at different stages of their career have different priorities but the NHS Pension Scheme provides benefits to members of all ages, not just those approaching retirement. These videos follow conversations between staff in different circumstances and communicate what the benefits mean to members using real-life scenarios. They address common misconceptions about the scheme, compare alternatives and showcase how beneficial it is to be a member.
Use these videos to help you explain the benefits of the NHS Pension Scheme during scenarios such as an induction, pension workshop, pre-retirement course, one-to-one discussion and more. The purpose of these videos is to improve employees' understanding of the value of the NHS Pension Scheme, as a way of saving for retirement. These videos do not provide financial advice, which employers are not authorised to give.
Benefits of joining the 2015 NHS Pension Scheme
A new starter considers whether to join the NHS Pension Scheme, what the scheme offers and what it means to be a member.
Benefits of continuing NHS Pension Scheme membership
Employees who are mid-career discuss balancing the cost of being a scheme member against their other financial commitments and the benefits members receive in return. The figures used in the video were correct as of December 2023 and may become out of date as scheme regulations change.
Benefits of the NHS Pension Scheme nearing retirement
A prospective retiree considers their flexible retirement options in conversation with an HR colleague and finds a solution that works for both parties. The NHS Pension Scheme’s retirement flexibilities support the retention of the employee, who would have otherwise taken full retirement.
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We have more resources to help you promote the benefits of the NHS Pension Scheme to staff: