Cost of living masterclasses

Watch the recordings from our popular series of four interactive masterclasses, with expert guest speakers and colleagues sharing learning to support staff with the ongoing challenge of the rising cost of living. The recordings are now chapterised to enable you to watch the masterclass in full or skip to the content of most interest to you.
Masterclass one - Taking a data-led approach and achieving board buy in
- Caroline Haynes, Chief People Officer, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust.
- Ali Webster, Deputy Director of Organisational Development, West London NHS Trust.
Main discussion
- Board buy in and taking a data-driven approach to supporting staff, and understanding the specific needs of different staff groups.
- West London's five-stage model for addressing financial wellbeing.
- Examples of incentives implemented into organisations, such as providing free breakfast for staff and offering financial education sessions.
Masterclass two - The role of anchor institutions and system working
- Ruth Lowe, Policy Associate, NHS Confederation.
- Jane Nicholson, Director of People, Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
- Michael Wood, Head of Health Economic Partnerships, NHS Confederation.
Main discussion
- The definition and characteristics of anchor institutions, the impact of the rising cost of living on health and the healthcare workforce, and the principles of good system working.
- Examples of how anchor institutions can support communities, such as implementing the living wage, addressing childcare issues, and promoting social value.
- Research from Berkshire into the cost of living in their area, focusing on housing, transportation costs and how the rising cost of living has impacted staff retention.
Masterclass three - Supporting our NHS workforce with the rising cost of living: Money talks, people don't
- Morgan Bestwick, Policy Adviser, Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
- Suzanne Emerson-Dam, Deputy Chief People Officer, Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust.
Main discussion
- Highlighting the importance of challenging the stigma surrounding financial wellbeing and cultivating cultures that empower staff to access support.
- Why developing sustainable reward and employee benefits packages and facilitating staff access to training and development opportunities is key.
- Sharing examples of initiatives to tackle stigma, including providing low-cost loans, conducting a financial wellbeing survey, developing a dedicated financial wellbeing page on the intranet, providing early access to pay and implementing on-site support sessions with Citizens Advice.
Masterclass four - Supporting our NHS workforce with the rising cost of living: Enabling a culture of flexibility
- Kate Jarman, Director of Corporate Affairs, Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.
- Kelly Morrison, People Promise Manager, Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust.
Main discussion
- How enabling a culture of flexibility is key to supporting staff with the rising cost of living.
- The benefits and challenges of flexible working, implementing flexible working into organisations and its importance in helping to retain staff.
- The cost of working, including housing, travel, parking, childcare, clothing, and food.
- The role of technology, life events support, and job design in unlocking flexibility, and the challenge of ensuring equity in flexible working and managing fairness and expectations among staff.