Defining employee value proposition (EVP)

The CIPD describes an employee value proposition (EVP) as what an organisation stands for, requires and offers as an employer. It is the psychological contract between employers and workers addresses and sets the expectations, beliefs and obligations of the employment relationship.
An EVP is the unique employment offer that an employee receives in return for the skills, capabilities, and experience they bring to NHS organisations.
The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan sets out how the service will address existing and future workforce challenges by recruiting and retaining more staff and improving the experience of both staff and patients. From 2023/24, it is proposed, within the plan, that NHS organisations work with system partners to develop a clear employee value proposition and promote this across the workforce.
An EVP looks beyond headline pay and monetary rewards and highlights what employment within the NHS can offer current and prospective employees. This is inclusive of learning, development and education, competitive terms and conditions of service, a valuable pension scheme, culture and policies that improve the overall staff experience.
The NHS has a well-recognised brand, values and an attractive employment offer. Therefore, it is important to effectively communicate your EVP to improve employee engagement, reinforce your organisational values and ensure staff are aware of the value of working for your organisation. A clear and well-defined EVP can help system leaders make the NHS an employer of choice and enhance attraction, recruitment and retention.
Although the term EVP may be unfamiliar, the proposition within the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan is not a request to create a new employment package but to pull together support, resources and benefits already in existence within NHS organisations to ensure they’re visible and accessible to current and prospective staff.
We have collated a bank of resources to support you to identify the key elements of an EVP that NHS organisations can consider to create your own USP, inclusive of local and national offers.