Time to Hire data collection

From Saturday 1 February 2025, Time to Hire (TTH) data fields will be included in the Provider Workforce Returns (PWR) and will need to be recorded and returned by providers.
As part of NHS England's efforts to reduce the loss of applicants in the hiring process, it will now be collecting data as part of its PWR. It will then use this data to identify any issues or common themes across the service to prevent potential staff dropping out.
Three cohorts have been created to ensure NHS England delivers the appropriate support to providers to help achieve the TTH target of eight weeks by March 2025. These are:
- Ready now (eight weeks or less).
- Ready soon (eight – 10 weeks).
- Not yet ready (10 weeks+).
NHS England will work with regional colleagues to ensure support for each cohort to help achieve the March 2025 target. To ensure there is consistency in the data being collected, full guidance of the parameters and exclusions will be included in the PWR.
NHS England is also holding a webinar about the TTH data capture on Tuesday 28 January, 11am – 12pm. If you would like to join the webinar, please register and the team will send you a joining link.
To support your organisation with this work NHS England has produced the recruitment toolkit and diagnostic tool (FutureNHS account required).
To be involved in any of NHS England's task and finish groups focusing on recruitment process re-engineering email england.nhsworkforcesupply@nhs.net or to join the time to hire community of practice please fill out this form.