
National job profiles

Find out how NHS jobs are matched to the current national job profiles and how to access them.
Employment relations support

29 July 2024

The NHS job evaluation scheme allows NHS jobs to be matched to nationally evaluated profiles, based on information from job descriptions, person specifications and additional information.

Where jobs cannot be matched to a profile, a full evaluation must be undertaken locally to determine pay banding.

For more information on what profiles are and how they are created please see our what is a job profile resource.

Please note: Along with the NHS Staff Council, the Job Evaluation Group is undergoing a rebranding exercise. Due to the volume of the profiles on this page this shift will be incremental, switching the national profiles from the old blue branding to the new red branding.

All content in the profiles will remain the same, this is a visual identity change only.

  • Chapter 11 of the NHS Job Evaluation Handbook describes the process that job matching panels should go through when comparing a job to a national job profile. A quick summary can be found on this web page

    Profiles are summaries of commonly occurring roles. They work on the basis that there are posts in the NHS which are standard and have many common features.

    The job evaluation scheme uses a common language and applies a common set of principles to all jobs when determining pay banding outcomes. Profiles apply these principles to particular job groups within occupational groupings, for example administrative services or health science services, and show the differentiation between roles at different bands.

    Please note, as part of the 2018 pay deal, band 1 closed to new entrants from 1 December 2018. Band 1 profiles should no longer be used for matching jobs and all band 1 national job profiles are scheduled to be archived.

  • It is the responsibility of the Job Evaluation Group (JEG) to manage and maintain the national job profiles. JEG is a subgroup of the NHS Staff Council and consists of representatives of both the NHS trade unions and NHS organisations, including NHS Employers.

    JEG has an ongoing commitment to review and refresh national profiles where necessary to ensure they are up-to-date and fit for purpose. This can entail: 

    1. making minor changes to existing profiles, or 
    2. drafting new profiles where necessary, or  
    3. undertaking a full review of the profiles in an occupational group. 

    1. For minor changes to existing profiles 

    Local job evaluation leads or other stakeholders from within the service can use this request form to ask JEG to correct errors (for example, typing errors or incorrect numbering) in profiles or to consider amendment or revision of existing profiles, including:   

    • where the qualifications have been superseded by different ones  
    • where the wording in the profile makes it difficult to match  
    • where the profile refers to practices no longer relevant  
    • where there are gaps in the rationales used to illustrate the factor level given  
    • where there are mistakes in the bold statements, rationales or factor levels  
    • where the wording for a factor requires more clarity or explanation.  

    You will be asked to provide details to the following questions: 

    • Your name 
    • Your job title 
    • Your organisation  
    • Your contact details (email address) 
    • About the profile(s) you are reporting 
    • Which job family is it (are they) in?  
    • What is its label(s)? 

    Please be as specific as possible in your responses to the following questions:  

    • What do you consider to be wrong on the profile (cut and paste text from the profiles if possible)? 
    • What needs to be done to correct the problem? (please suggest wording if you are able to) 
    • What evidence can you provide to back up this request? 
    • Please detail the discussions you have had locally about this issue (e.g. feedback from job matching panels)

    Notifying us about errors

    Complete this form to notify us of any errors. Once received, this information will be reviewed by the NHS Job Evaluation Group at their next profile sub-group meeting. These meetings are usually held monthly so please be patient as you wait for a response.  The Job Evaluation Group reserves the right to escalate requests to the NHS Staff Council Executive.

    2. Requests for new profiles 

    In exceptional circumstances JEG can accept requests for new national profiles from professional or other bodies representing occupational groups, email with full details of your request. Please include evidence to support your request, for example job descriptions and/or JAQs for the roles in question showing that they cannot match to any existing profiles. It would also be helpful for you to detail the impact the perceived lack of profiles is having and the scope of the workforce affected. 

    3. Requests to undertake a full review of the profiles in an occupational group  

    Stakeholder bodies (i.e. professional or other bodies representing occupational groups) wishing to request the revision of a full suite of profiles for an occupational group should also email with full details and evidence to support your request. 

Access the job profiles below: