
Stage 1: Job matching course

This two-day training programme is designed for NHS employees who wish to sit on job matching panels.

18 September 2024

What is job matching?

Job matching (JM) is one of two ways the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme has to determine the pay banding of roles.  In JM jobs are compared against nationally evaluated job profiles, following a set methodology that considers local job descriptions, person specifications and additional written or verbal evidence, thereby avoiding the need for local evaluations

Where jobs do not match to a national job matching profile, a full local evaluation must be undertaken.

JM is done by a panel of trained practitioners – there should be equal numbers of employer and staff side practitioners

Learn more with our quick guide to job matching 


Job matching course

This is the only training endorsed by the NHS Staff Council.


  • To understand the purpose of job evaluation
  • To understand the underpinning principles of the NHS Job evaluation scheme
  • To understand the effect of bias and different perceptions.
  • To learn about the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme and its structure.
  • To understand and practice the job matching process.

At the end of the course Participants will have a good understanding of the purpose of job evaluation and the methodology of job matching.  This will enable them to sit on a job matching panel, made up of both staff and management representatives and asses the job information against that of national profiles.


NB - This course does not cover local evaluation nor consistency checking. There are separate courses for this.



Job matching training

We offer this course online or in person – see below


Online Job matching Course

Course capacity:

Minimum of 12

Maximum of 16

We strongly advise that the course is attended by an equal number of management and staff side attendees.

Course cost:

Two-day job matching training 

Commissioned  £4,000+VAT

Organisations need to allow additional printing costs for core materials, approximately £280 if printing is done by an external company.

Centralised  £340.00+VAT per person 

Payment can be made by debit and credit card or by requesting an invoice, which will incur a 5% admin charge on top of the training fees.


Course format:

The virtual job matching course runs across two days from 9:30am to no later than 5pm each day and is delivered via Zoom.

All participants must attend and actively participate on both training days to receive a certificate of completion.

Unfortunately, due to the structure of the course content any time missed away from the session will mean we can’t issue that attendance certificate

Course materials:

All course materials will be available on our learning platform. However, we heavily advise that core materials are printed ahead of the course.  We will email these in advance of the course.

In the case of commissioned courses - It is the responsibility of the commissioner to ensure that all necessary material is printed and distributed amongst the delegates ahead of the course.

In the case of central courses – we will email all attendees with the course materials and encourage them to print them out beforehand,


In person job matching course

Course capacity:

Minimum of 12

Maximum of 20

We strongly advise that the course is attended by an equal number of management and staff side attendees.

A training room is required for the course, to be set up cabaret style The room must have desks/tables available and flipcharts. There must also be provision for breakout groups – ideally at least one room separate to the training room.

A PC/laptop connected to a projector/screen will need to be available in the main training room for the duration of the course.

Course cost:

Two-day job matching training 

Commissioned £4,000 +VAT, plus additional trainer costs.

Additional £1,000 allowance to cover accommodation, travel and food expenses is recommended.

Course materials will need to be printed prior to the course. Organisations need to allow additional printing costs for core materials, approximately £280 if printing is done by an external company.


Course format:

The job matching course runs across two days from 9:30am to no later than 5pm each day.

All participants must attend and actively participate on both training days to receive a certificate of completion.

Unfortunately, due to the structure of the course content any time missed away from the session will mean we cannot issue this certificate

Course materials:

Core course materials that require printing will be emailed in advance.

It is the responsibility of the commissioner to ensure that all necessary material is printed and distributed amongst the delegates ahead of the course.

How do I commission an online/in person course?

To commission a job matching course please complete a request form.

How do I book onto a centralised course?

The centralised job matching offer is available for individual bookings or organisations that have fewer than 12 members of staff in need of training.

The next available course dates are as follows:

2024 virtual job matching course dates: