Fostering excellence in tackling inequality

Our Fostering Excellence in Tackling Inequality conference took place on 14 May as part of our Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week 2024 celebrations.
Expert speakers shared insights on NHS England's EDI Improvement Plan and improving equality of access, experience and outcomes for both patients and the workforce. Delegates had an opportunity to meet with and influence national decision-makers.
We know that EDI is a difficult space in which to operate and the conference provided an opportunity to celebrate and support the work that you do. Our recent survey found that 96 per cent of leaders say that the NHS still has issues of discrimination to overcome in access, experience and outcomes for patients.
The conference created a safe space where delegates heard about and discussed the latest developments in policy and practice across this broad agenda. The conference gave our delegates a voice and helped us to direct our focus, in terms of influencing national policy and practice. Delegates described feeling supported and inspired, having shared challenges and come up with solutions in partnership with their peers.
Who attended
This event was for health and social care staff working in the fields of diversity, inclusion, public health and/or health inequalities.
What delegates got from the conference
- Participated in a meaningful conversation, explored opportunities and shared challenges to tackle inequalities for all.
- Listened to good practice to inspire change that can help deliver positive outcomes for all our communities.
- Influenced national policy and practice.
- Connected with fellow EDI colleagues.