
Response to Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse report

The government has published a response to a number of recommendations made in last year’s final report.

9 June 2023

Following the publication of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) report last year, the government has now released a response with a number of recommendations.

The recommendations include extending the use of the barred list of people unsuitable for work with children, and improving compliance with statutory duties to inform the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) about individuals who may pose a risk of harm to children.

The IICSA was established by the then Home Secretary in 2015 to look at the extent to which state and non-state institutions in England and Wales have discharged their duty to protect children from sexual abuse.

The government has accepted the need to act on all but one of the Inquiry’s recommendations. Read the full response.

Following the publication the government has launched a consultation on implementing mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse. It is seeking views on how a legal duty to report child sexual abuse would affect children, organisations, workplaces and volunteers. The call for evidence closes on 14 August 2023.

If your organisation would like make a submission to the consultation directly please find more information on the government website.