NHS People Plan and Promise

Bringing together the NHS Employers web pages that support delivery of the NHS People Plan.
Image of workers talking
The People Promise logo with the seven icons of the Promise.

Published in July 2020 by NHS England, the NHS People Plan’s aim is to have more people, working differently, in a compassionate and inclusive culture within the NHS. The plan also includes Our People Promise, which outlines behaviours and actions that staff can expect from NHS leaders and colleagues, to improve the experience of working in the NHS for everyone.

To achieve its ambitions, the NHS People Plan sets out specific actions within six areas:

  • Responding to new challenges and opportunities
  • Belonging in the NHS
  • Growing for the future
  • Looking after our people
  • New ways of working and delivering care
  • Supporting our people now and for the long term

This section brings together the pages on our website that align with each of these six areas of action.

You can read more about the NHS People Plan, and the NHS People Promise, on NHS England's website.

Access all resources under the growing for the future action area.

View more information to help you with the belonging in the NHS action.

Access all web pages under the new ways of working and delivering care action area. 

Find other web pages to help you support your people now and for the long term

Access all pages to help you respond to new challenges and opportunities.