SAS charter

The charter for specialty and associate specialist (SAS) doctors sets out what SAS doctors can expect from their employers and what employers can expect of them.
SAS Charter
The charter for specialty and associate specialist (SAS) doctors sets out the support available to SAS doctors and what they can expect from their employers.
It includes recommendations around contracts, job planning, development, involvement in organisational structures and recruitment.
It also clarifies the objectives and the support mechanism that Health Education England (HEE) provides through individual local education and training boards (LETBs) and local education providers (LEPs).
First published in 2014, it is a joint document, agreed by the British Medical Association (BMA), the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, HEE and NHS Employers.
SAS Charter - evaluation and monitoring
We have produced the following resources to help employers and SAS doctors assess current progress and develop an action plan to support the implementation and embedding of the SAS Charter.
Watch our webinar recording, held jointly with the BMA to help support NHS organisations implement the SAS charter.
Read the covering letter from Dr Amit Kochhar and Dr Pete Miller, chairs of the SAS joint negotiating committee about the charter and the need to implement this to demonstrate a commitment to the SAS workforce.
SAS charters in the devolved administrations
A charter for SAS doctors in Scotland has also been jointly agreed by BMA Scotland and Management Steering Group (MSG).
A SAS doctors' and dentists' charter for Wales has been agreed by the SAS reference group, which includes NHS Wales employers, Welsh government, BMA Cymru Wales and the Wales deanery.
In Northern Ireland, the BMA Northern Ireland and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety have published a Northern Ireland charter for specialty and associate specialist doctors.