Disability History Month 2024

Disability History Month ran from 14 November until 20 December 2024. The theme was on disability livelihood and employment in the health and care sector.
In 2024, there is still a 30 per cent gap between the employment rate for non-disabled people (83 per cent) and disabled people (54 per cent).
According to the NHS Staff Survey, nearly 1 in 4 of our NHS workforce has lived experience of a disability or long-term condition.
Disability History Month provided an opportunity to recognise and celebrate those people who bring personal lived experience of disability and long-term health conditions to their careers, teams, leadership and patient care.
According to the Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) 2023, the number of disabled staff reporting that they received workplace adjustments to perform their duties has increased slightly from 72.2 per cent to 73.4 per cent. However, this still means that over a quarter of disabled staff do not have the adjustments they need to perform their role. Disabled staff also report higher levels of bullying, harassment or abuse than non-disabled staff. If we are to achieve the ambitions set out in the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan and the NHS Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Improvement Plan, we need to work harder to create workplaces that are open and inclusive, and where everyone feels they belong.