Employment checks risk assessment template

This template has been developed to help employers within the NHS with making risk-based decisions when recruiting. It is an additional resource to support with the employment checks process and is not mandatory to use.
Why is a risk assessment required?
There may be exceptional circumstances where there is an urgent requirement to maintain staffing levels or because of an identified risk to patient safety or welfare, in which case a risk assessment may be required. Employers should consider all the available information when permitting a candidate to start in role, including any safeguarding measures that should be made to enable this. You should establish what the perceived level of risk is based on the type of role and responsibilities. This is particularly important in situations where there is a shortfall of evidence about a candidate – a risk assessment can be undertaken to try to obtain the assurances needed so that their employment is able to commence.
Using the template document
As well as helping to navigating potential risks, the template can be useful for keeping a record of an individual’s pre-employment checks outcomes in one place and can be easily referred to if there are any discrepancies. The template is in Word format and so can be amended to fit your organisation’s requirements, where necessary. It is a guide only. Employers are able to create and implement their own risk assessment documents and procedures if they wish to.
Employers are advised to refer to their organisation’s own policies and processes (and/or consult with their HR department) in the first instance.
Download the risk assessment template (opens in Word).
Useful links
- Employment standards and regulation | NHS Employers
- Employment check FAQs | NHS Employers
- Employment checks e-learning modules (NHS England Learning Hub)
- Positive disclosure | NHS Employers
- Seeking a self-declaration from applicants | NHS Employers
- Model declaration form A | NHS Employers
- Model declaration form B | NHS Employers